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(iii) Fair value

In order to comply with relevant accounting

standards the Group undertook a fair value

assessment of the infrastructure assets, the

results of which are detailed in notes 8(b) and

12(d)(iii). Key assumptions when completing

the assessment are: the forecast data

including, revenue expense and capital cash

flows and the discount rate used. Therefore,

management has reviewed the cash flow and

made adjustments to account for any known

variables and to ensure a market participant

would view the positions taken as reasonable.

In addition, the discount rate used is compiled

with the support of an external market

specialist. Note 12(d)(iv) and (v) contains

further detail on the process and valuation


(iv) Deferred tax recognition

The Group has recognised a net deferred tax

asset as set out in note 8(c). The Group has

recognised a deferred tax asset in relation to

deductible temporary differences to the extent

that a deferred tax liability exists in relation

to taxable temporary differences, which are

expected to reverse over the same periods.

In addition, an excess deferred tax asset

has been recognised to the extent that it is

probable that taxable profit will be available

against which the deductible temporary

differences can be utilised. The recognition

of the net deferred tax asset is considered

appropriate following an assessment of the

overall forecast accounting profit and tax

payable position of the Group over the next

five years. See note 21(k).

(v) Incident recognition

The provision for incidents recognises the

Group’s estimated liability with respect to

costs associated with damage caused by

incidents such as force majeure, derailments,

including the potential for third party and/or

insurance recoveries. See note non-financial

assets 8(e) and 21(h).

(vi) Provisions - Short term employee


Short term employee benefit obligations are

measured on an undiscounted basis and are

expensed as the related service is provided.

A liability is recognised for the amount

expected to be paid under short term cash

bonus if the Group has a present legal or

constructive obligation to pay this amount

as a result of past service provided by the

employee and the obligations can be

measured reliably. See note 8(e) & 21(s)(i).

(vii) Provisions - Long service leave

The Group’s net obligation in respect of long

term employee benefits is the amount of

future benefit that employees have earned

in return for their service in the current and

prior periods. For long service leave the

future benefit is altered to take into account

the probability of reaching entitlement and

inflationary increases. These benefits are

discounted to determine its present value.

The discount for long service leave is the

yield proximate to the reporting date on the

Australian Corporate Bond market. See note

8(e) & 21(s)(ii).

(viii) Access revenue - Hunter Valley

Coal provision

Driven by the ACCC analysis of the Hunter

Valley Access Undertaking 2013 Annual

Compliance Assessment a provision was made

in respect of the over recovery of constrained

coal network revenue for calendar years

2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. The methodology

used by the ACCC is forecast to be applied

to the calculation from 2013 onwards.

The review requires a detailed reallocation

of capital charges between customers

originating in different pricing zones which

has a subsequent impact on the revenue

calculations. The final amount for each year

will be determined through ACCC Annual

Compliance Assessments. Note that, as the

costs are reallocated to different customers

ARTC has the ability to treat any shortfall in

the collection of its revenue ceiling (in Pricing

Zone 3) as a capitalised loss which can be

recovered through access charges in future

years. See note 5(a) and 6(e).