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Page Background

the Group and have a short life and a ready

market. The written down value of these

assets is in line with their fair value.

All other property, plant and equipment are

stated at historical cost less accumulated

depreciation, and any accumulated

impairment. Historical cost includes

expenditure that is directly attributable

to the acquisition of the items.


The Group’s infrastructure assets were

revalued as at 30 June 2016. Infrastructure

assets are shown at fair value (inclusive

of revaluations and impairments) less

accumulated depreciation, based on periodic,

but at least triennial revaluations.

Any accumulated depreciation at the date

of revaluation is eliminated against the gross

carrying amount of the asset and the net

amount is restated to the revalued amount

of the asset.

Any revaluation increment is credited to

the asset revaluation reserve included in the

equity section of the consolidated balance

sheet, except to the extent that it reverses

a revaluation decrement of the same asset

previously recognised in the consolidated

income statement, in which case the

increase is recognised in the consolidated

income statement (net of tax). Revaluation

increments and decrements recognised are

allocated to the infrastructure asset carrying

amounts within the asset grouping on a pro

rata basis.

At the commencement of the application of

Australian International Financial Reporting

Standards the Group has elected that the

deemed cost of assets on hand at 30 June

2005 is the revalued amount of those

assets. Any accumulated depreciation as at

the revaluation date is eliminated against

the gross carrying amount of the asset and

the net amount is restated to the revalued

amount of the asset. Items of property, plant

and equipment are either derecognised on

disposal or when no further future economic

benefits are expected from its use. Gains

and losses on disposals are determined by

comparing proceeds with the carrying amount

and are included in the consolidated income

statement. Upon disposal or derecognition,

any revaluation reserve relating to the asset

is transferred to retained earnings.


The carrying amounts of the Group’s non-

financial assets, other than inventories and

deferred tax assets, are reviewed at each

reporting date to determine whether there

is any indication of impairment. If any

indication exists, then the asset’s recoverable

amount is estimated. An impairment expense

is recognised if the carrying amount of an

asset or cash generating unit (CGU) exceeds

it recoverable amount.

As the Group applies fair value valuations

to most non-financial assets, the carrying

value will be the fair value which is the

estimated recoverable amount and therefore

a separate impairment calculation is not

required. See note 4(iii).


Subsequent costs are included in the asset’s

carrying amount or recognised as a separate

asset, as appropriate, only when it is probable

that future economic benefits associated with

the item will flow to the Group and the cost

of the item can be measured reliably. All other

repairs and maintenance are charged to the

consolidated income statement during the

financial period in which they are incurred.


Land is not depreciated. The cost of

improvements to or on leasehold properties

is amortised over the expected lease term

or the estimated useful life of the

improvement to the Group, whichever is

the shorter. Depreciation on other assets is

calculated using the straight line method to