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The significant progress achieved on the

Inland Rail project is testament to many years

of hard work and planning. It is exciting to

bring this project to the stage that will help

secure rail as the nation’s mode of choice

in the logistics chain.





The Directors commend the business on its

focus in maintaining the strategic direction

of the company in the face of significant

external demands throughout the year.

Pleasingly, our overall customer satisfaction

scores improved over last year.

Listening and acting on customer feedback

and experience is a driving component of

the company’s strategy. A key commitment

has been taking leadership positions on issues

that matter to the industry.

Our decision to invest in an 846 hectare

landholding at Bromelton, near the Queensland

border with NSW not only signals the intergral

part that terminals will play in our overall

strategy, but also reflects our proactive position

and willingness to grasp opportunities that

benefit the rail industry and add value to

the national logistics chain.

We have also been actively engaged with

our customers to identify and grow new

market opportunities for rail. This has been

demonstrated by new services entering

the North South route, new grain service

offerings and volumes, additional interest in

import-export freight and first-time customers

transferring their product from road to rail,

such as in the cotton industry.

These market opportunities are only possible

due to the sustained focus on operational

safety, efficiency and reliability – which the

business has demonstrated.

The company also continues to work

closely with our passenger customers and

stakeholders in areas such as North East

Victoria and the Southern Highlands in NSW

to address concerns around passenger service

performance. We built further understanding

as to how passenger services improvements

might be funded and managed sustainably

over time, to ensure the community receives

the service they desire.




The business’s focus on delivering on the range

of additional demands while still responding

to customer expectations is perhaps best

defined by the achievements realised in

safety performance of the past year.

Efforts toward strengthening safety

performance were rewarded with the lowest

ever Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate result

which, at 1.07, is reaching the top-tier levels

to which we aspire.

As Chairman, it has been an exciting year

to guide the company and recognise its

many successes.

I would like to thank my fellow Directors, and

on their behalf to thank our customers and

other stakeholders for their support throughout

the year. I would also like to acknowledge

the dedication and commitment of the ARTC

leadership team, so ably led by Mr John


We are confident and excited about what 2018

brings and the opportunities it will deliver for

our Shareholder, the Australian Government

and for the Australian people.

Helen Nugent AO
