Australian Rail Track Corporation 2013 Annual Report - page 20

On 1 January we moved to a fully nationwide
asset management model bringing the
remainder of our asset maintenance services
in-house, after contracts with our Alliance
partners came to an end. We created 11 new
provisioning centres and welcomed more than
200 new employees to the Company.
A 15 year wholesale agreement with West
Australian track owner Brookfield Rail was
completed during the year, cementing a
long-term commitment to continue to jointly
operate the network to common standards.
As part of this agreement, ARTC contributed
$55 million in support of infrastructure
upgrades on the Brookfield, WA corridor to
support network growth.
The NSW Government agency responsible
for transport, infrastructure and freight
Transport for NSW, let contracts for a part
of the $1.1 billion Northern Sydney Freight
corridor. This will increase capacity on the
track between Strathfield and Newcastle
and unblock this major North South
bottleneck. The new capacity is planned to
be available 2015/16.
ARTC welcomed the decision by the
Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission (ACCC) to extend the Interstate
Access Undertaking to include the Southern
Sydney Freight Line. The extension provides
greater consistency for customers when
it comes to regulation and contractual
arrangements and supports ARTC’s goal to
deliver uniform national access regulation.
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