Australian Rail Track Corporation 2015 Annual Report - page 10

Safety is at the heart of everything we
do and ensuring staff are safe at work
and get home safe every day is always
our first priority.
We measure our safety across a number
of indicators including: Lost Time Injury
Frequency Rate (LTIFR) and Medically
Treated Injury Frequency Rate (MTIFR).
While we are pleased with the progress
the company has made over the past
five years, there is still much more to be
done to reach our goal of No Harm.
In relation to safeworking practices,
we have seen an improvement and this
has resulted in a reduction in serious
safeworking incidents over the past
twelve months.
To strengthen our existing teams we
have appointed additional people to
focus solely on safety. In the Interstate
Business Unit, to undertake a business
wide review of the safety culture and
processes and procedures, and in the
Hunter Valley Business Unit, to ensure
safety and environment is at the core of
decision making.
We are committed to improving our
safety performance even further through
new initiatives such as leadership
development, responsibility and
accountability to help deliver the best
possible safety culture.
Our value of No Harm also recognises
our interaction with the environment
and the community. To this end, we
have amended our due diligence process
for environmental impact assessments
and across the company over 200
staff are now trained to undertake
Task Based Environmental Impact
Assessments. Environmental site
inspections increased 65 percent on
the previous year and we continue to
proactively support air and noise quality
monitoring programs in conjunction with
industry partners.
Service Delivery
Our service delivery continues to improve
and we are seeing consistent, road-
competitive freight delivery performance.
Interstate reliability has improved to
levels that now consistently meet
customer expectations, continuing the
positive trend of recent years and, on
average, reliability has improved by
around 30 percent on figures of only
two years ago. This improvement is the
result of working closely with our rail
operator customers to develop better
timetables, take advantage of improved
track conditions and manage the
movement of each train on the network
more intensely.
Similarly, the Hunter Valley Business Unit
has been working closely with the Hunter
Valley Coal Chain Coordinator (HVCCC)
and coal chain participants to improve
network management and, as a conse-
quence, deliver initiatives that enhance
the overall efficiency of the coal chain.
The Hunter Valley business has again
provided consistently reliable network
performance for our customers, meeting
our target of coal train cancellations
attributable to ARTC.
Our 2015 annual employee engagement
survey again demonstrated a good result
across culture, behaviours and safety and
we aim to improve even further in 2016.
We also received an encouraging result
in our second annual customer survey.
We were able to improve our overall
rating among our customer base from a
5.7 score to 6.3 (out of ten). This score
places us in the top end of the ‘good’
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