Australian Rail Track Corporation 2014 Annual Report - page 28

John Robert Caldon MA
(non executive Chairman)
J Caldon joined the Board as
Non‑Executive Chairman in January
2010. Mr Caldon has over 40 years of
experience in the accounting, finance
and infrastructure industries having
held positions including Partner with
PricewaterhouseCoopers; Deputy
Managing Director and Head of Corporate
Finance at Macquarie Bank; Chairman of
Rail Services Australia, and; President of
the Australian Council for Infrastructure
Development. Mr Caldon also serves
as Chairman of the People, Policy and
Remuneration Committee; the Risk
Committee; the Committee of the Whole
Board for Succession Planning; the
Business Development and Marketing
Committee and, until 30 June 2014,
as a member of the ARTC Audit and
Compliance Committee.
Lucio Di Bartolomeo B.E. (civil),
(non executive Director)
L Di Bartolomeo joined the Board as a
Non-Executive Director in June 2007.
Mr Di Bartolomeo is a professional Director
and is currently Chairman of Macquarie
Generation, Eco Logical Australia and
North West Rapid Transit; Non-Executive
Director of Australian Super Pty Ltd, and; is
the immediate past National President of
Australian Industry Group. Prior to this, he
was Managing Director of ADI Limited and
FreightCorp and Non‑Executive Director of
Downer EDI. Mr Di Bartolomeo has worked
in the rail industry for many years both
locally and overseas. Mr Di Bartolomeo is
also Chairman of the ARTC Environment,
Health and Safety Committee, a member
of the Risk Committee and Business
Development and Marketing Committee
and, from 1 July 2014, as a member of the
Audit and Compliance Committee.
Lynelle Briggs AO, BEcon, GAICD
(non executive Director)
L Briggs joined the Board as a Non-
Executive Director in November 2011.
Ms Briggs has held numerous positions
within the Australian public service.
Ms Briggs joined the Department of
Transport and Regional Services as
Deputy Secretary in 2001 and had
responsibility for oversighting rail and
road transport, territories, maritime, wider
infrastructure policy such as Auslink,
transport planning, local government and
the portfolio’s budget and information
technology. Ms Briggs was appointed
to the role of Australian Public Service
Commissioner from 2004 until 2009.
Ms Briggs was also Chief Executive
Officer of Medicare from 2009 to 2011.
Ms Briggs is currently the Millers Point
Accommodation Plan Independent
Project facilitator. Ms Briggs serves as
a member of the: ARTC Environment,
Health and Safety Committee; People
Policy and Remuneration Committee;
Risk Committee, and; the Business
Development and Marketing Committee.
Gillian Brown LLB (Hons)
(non executive Director)
G Brown joined the Board as a Non-
Executive Director in June 2010.
Ms Brown is a lawyer with 25 years
experience in finance, infrastructure,
energy and resources and debt capital
markets transactions. Ms Brown is former
Chairman of Minter Ellison Lawyers and is
a board member of Queensland Treasury
Corporation. Ms Brown serves as Chair of
the ARTC Audit and Compliance Committee
and is a member of the: Environment,
Health and Safety Committee; Risk
Committee, and; the Business Development
and Marketing Committee.
Pamela Catty (non executive Director)
P Catty joined the Board as a Non-
Executive Director in March 2011.
Ms Catty is an executive mentor and
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