Australian Rail Track Corporation 2013 Annual Report - page 34

To reduce the risk of our people being injured or worse in a Hi Rail
vehicle accident we began a trial to evaluate the effectiveness of
a Hi Rail proximity detection system during the year. This system
works by providing a warning to the operator of a Hi Rail vehicle if
it detects that it is traveling too close to another Hi Rail vehicle and
is already part of a trial underway on the Hunter Valley network on
track maintenance machines. Preparations are underway to begin
the trial on Hi Rail vehicles on the Interstate East West corridor
between Port Augusta and Kalgoorlie.
A new online Safety Management System (SMS) was released in
September 2012, drawing together ARTC’s safety documents into the
28 elements contained within the National Transport Commission’s
national model regulations and supporting guidelines.
The SMS now provides a common place for ARTC workers to access
relevant safety information.
During 2012 ARTC broadened its risk management throughout the
organisation, recognising the importance of identifying, managing
and reporting on environmental, regulatory and reputation risks in
addition to safety, asset and financial risks.
In 2013, work will continue on ensuring ARTC’s riskmanagement system
remains accessible, intuitive, flexible and importantly, user friendly.
For the first time Australia has a national rail safety regulator with
oversight across all rail safety legislation. Mr Rob Andrews was
annouced as the first regulator heading the Office of the National
Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR) with his duties officially commencing
20 January 2013 along with the new national law and regulations.
The National Rail Safety Project Office was established in Adelaide
to guide the development and adoption of national law and the
transition to a single national regulator. ARTC has worked with the
project office during its set up and continues to be fully engaged with
the reform process through dedicated industry stakeholder groups
established under the Australasian Railway Association.
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