Hunter Valley Rail Grinding: Ulan Line

Rail Grinding will be undertaken in the Hunter Valley between Bylong and Yarrawa during 16th to 20th September, 2018. Rail grinding is a critical process to make sure tracks stay safe. Over time as multiple trains run over the track, the rail will naturally wear down as it is used. Rail grinding machines use a large […]

Hunter Valley Maintenance Shutdown (NSW)

Hunter Valley coal network NSW, Australia

The Hunter Valley network will undergo major maintenance works as part of a scheduled shutdown of the network. Works across the network will include track reconditioning and resurfacing, rail replacement, road and pedestrian level crossing improvements, rail bridge repairs and testing, ballast cleaning, vegetation control, rail corridor tidy-up work and signal maintenance. The maintenance and […]

Hunter Valley Track Machine Works: Sandgate to Maitland, NSW

Hunter Valley coal network NSW, Australia

This is to provide information specifically about track machines operating in the Hunter Valley (tamping, grinding and milling). Track Machines will be working on the Up and Down Coal lines from Sandgate to Maitland from 8pm September 22 to 4am September 23 To maintain the track, the machines need to be constantly working around the network, including at night. We understand […]

Hunter Valley Rail Grinding – Bylong to Sandy Hollow

Rail Grinding will be undertaken in the Hunter Valley between Bylong to Sandy Hollow during 26 to 30 September, 2018. Rail grinding is a critical process to make sure tracks stay safe. Over time as multiple trains run over the track, the rail will naturally wear down as it is used. Rail grinding machines use a large […]

Ballast Cleaning Works: Tamrookum to Acacia Ridge Qld

Acacia Ridge, QLD QLD, Australia

Shoulder Ballast Cleaning will be performed by ARTC’s Shoulder Ballast Cleaner track machine which picks up existing ballast from the track, cleans the ballast and returns the clean ballast to the track. The ballast is sprayed with water prior to cleaning to minimise dust pollution and some noise impacts may be experienced for residents living […]

Ballast Cleaning Works: Tamrookum to Acacia Ridge Qld

Acacia Ridge, QLD QLD, Australia

Shoulder Ballast Cleaning will be performed by ARTC’s Shoulder Ballast Cleaner track machine which picks up existing ballast from the track, cleans the ballast and returns the clean ballast to the track. The ballast is sprayed with water prior to cleaning to minimise dust pollution and some noise impacts may be experienced for residents living […]

Hunter Valley Network: Routine Rail Maintenance Hamilton to Maitland

Hunter Valley coal network NSW, Australia

The Hunter Valley network will undertake routine rail maintenance works starting 3.00am Saturday 13th October and finishing at 1am Monday 15th October. The works will take place across various areas within the rail corridor between Hamilton to Maitland. The scheduled works include track reconstruction, rail replacement, ballast cleaning, rail grinding, level crossing improvements and other general maintenance tasks. […]

Ballast Cleaning Works: Tamrookum to Acacia Ridge Qld

Acacia Ridge, QLD QLD, Australia

Shoulder Ballast Cleaning will be performed by ARTC’s Shoulder Ballast Cleaner track machine which picks up existing ballast from the track, cleans the ballast and returns the clean ballast to the track. The ballast is sprayed with water prior to cleaning to minimise dust pollution and some noise impacts may be experienced for residents living […]

Hunter Valley Track Machine Works: Farley to Maitland, NSW

Maitland Maitland, NSW, Australia

This is to provide information specifically about track machines operating in the Hunter Valley (grinding) Track Machines will be working on the Up and Down Coal lines from Farley to Maitland from 6pm November 8 to 4am November 9. To maintain the track, the machines need to be constantly working around the network, including at night. We understand they can be loud and […]

Hunter Valley Track Machine Works: Sandgate to Maitland, NSW

This is to provide information specifically about track machines operating in the Hunter Valley (tamping, grinding and milling). Track Machines will be working on the Up and Down Coal lines from Sandgate to Maitland from 6pm November 10 to 6am November 12 (night shifts only). During the day time, these machines will be stabled at Telarah Yard. To maintain the […]

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