Network Information Books

For Network Information Books (NIB) and detailed diagrams on ARTC owned rail corridors and leased interstate mainline standard gauge corridors, please select the appropriate jurisdiction.

Please note that once you have printed any of these documents it is an uncontrolled copy and valid only for the day on which it was printed. Please return to this website to verify content.

The Network Information Books are updated periodically to include changes in our infrastructure, details of these changes are shown in the attached amendments register.

For further information or to advise of minor discrepancies in these documents please email

ARTC Network Map   Network Information Books Interactive Map

The Network Information Books are now accessible via this interactive map. Importantly the map will work on mobile devices too such as phones and tablets. Click anywhere on the ARTC network to open the relevant Network Information Book or Diagram.

Title Last Updated
Network Information Books Amendment Register  16 Jul 2024

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