In accordance with Clause 2.7(a) of Schedule 2 of Access Holder Agreements, ARTC is required to publish results of the system true up test for each Pricing Zone at the end of each Period (month or quarter as applicable) in respect of any System Availability Shortfall. Results required to be published by ARTC are provided below.
** The results of the system true up test for each Pricing Zone for this period (month or quarter as applicable) have been withdrawn and re-published to reflect minor changes arising from the correction of errors or as a result of the Annual Reconciliation process for the 2015 year. This update did not result in any System Availability Shortfall for the relevant Period.
*Following resolution of the previously advised (Feb-13) HVCCC Maintenance Reporting issues results of the system true up test for each Pricing Zone at the end of each affected Period (month or quarter as applicable) have been withdrawn and re-published. This update did not result in any System Availability Shortfall for the relevant Period.
# The results of the system true up test for each Pricing Zone for this period (month or quarter as applicable) have been withdrawn and re-published to reflect minor changes arising from the Annual Reconciliation process for the 2014 year. This update did not result in any System Availability Shortfall for the relevant Period.