New Rail Signalling System at Moss Vale Becomes Operational Today – ARTC

Australian Rail Track Corporation Ltd (ARTC) announced today that its new signalling system at Moss Vale in southern NSW became operational at 11.40 this morning.

The new automatic signalling system at Moss Vale replaces the old manually operated system that has operated in Moss Vale for the past 100 years.

Moss Vale, which is the busiest rail junction in the south of NSW with over 100 train movements a day will now be controlled automatically from ARTC’s modern Network Control Centre – South at Junee.

The upgrading of the Moss Vale signalling system to remote control is part of ARTC’s $11 million Train Control Consolidation program in the South.

The work forms part of ARTC’s $500 million Southern Improvement Alliance (SIA) to upgrade rail infrastructure on the Main South Line between Melbourne to Sydney.

The signalling work at Moss Vale was delivered for ARTC by the Southern Improvement Alliance partners O’Donnell Griffin and CW- DC with Ansaldo STS providing the Phoenix control system at Junee.

Contact : David Marchant CEO ARTC 0419 733 201

Prue Regan 0419 297

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